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The Richmond campus crime injury lawyers at the Pendleton Law know that campus crime has long been an ongoing issue throughout the country. Certain college campuses are unfortunately located in prime areas of criminal activity, while other campuses do not take the necessary precautions to protect their students, through implementing new campus lighting or increasing their campus security. The failure of a university to take the appropriate measures to prevent campus crimes from occurring could lead to a claim for damages against the university after a criminal act occurs.

Campus Crime Rates

The United States Department of Education has compiled statistics on the incident rate of campus crimes, separating out the individual offenses. The top reported crimes on college campuses include sexual assault, robbery, burglary, motor vehicle theft, and aggravated assault.

Sexual assault statistics are often skewed based on the number of criminal actions that go unreported. This has become a major issue for many college campuses, and the failure of the campus to provide adequate protections to ensure its students do not become victims of sexual assault could lead to liability for any resulting injuries.

The burglary was listed as the crime with the highest number of reported incidents throughout the country between 2007 and 2009. The crime of burglary is often a crime of convenience and could seem appealing to a petty thief looking for quick money.

In any event, if you were the victim of a crime that took place on campus, you should seek the expert legal counsel of a Richmond campus assault lawyer. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries.

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Personal Injury Claims

The victim of a campus assault may be entitled to bring an action against the responsible party, as well as the university for any injuries sustained during the commission of a crime. The school could be held directly responsible for the student’s injuries given the failure of the school to protect their students. A university campus is often a big institution but should be appropriately equipped with good lighting and an adequate number of security guards.

A student who has been injured due to an assault on the university campus may bring a claim for damages which include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and any related expenses. College students should not be worried about how to cover the costs of their medical expenses and maintain a good attendance record in their classes after a devastating criminal act. The university should be held responsible for these related expenses so that the student does not have to shoulder the burden of this. The Richmond personal injury lawyers at Christina Pendleton & Associates know that college is often a stressful enough time without having to worry about the medical expenses and recovery after a violent incident.

Let the Heavy Hitters® Take On Your Case 804-250-5050

Schedule a Consultation With a Richmond Campus Assault Attorney

If you or a loved one were injured during a campus crime, do not hesitate to contact the attorneys at Christina Pendleton & Associates. Our legal team has years of experience in assisting clients with their personal injury claims after they have been the victims of terrible crimes. Personal injury actions do not just relate to individual car accidents but can stem from serious criminal activity that leads to long-lasting physical and emotional injuries. We will work closely with you to ensure you receive the compensation you deserve for your injuries. Call our Richmond office at 804-250-5050 today to schedule your free consultation.

The Pendleton Law Team Is Here For You 804-250-5050