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It is reasonable to expect a doctor to provide exceptional care. If a medical professional does not comply with a high standard of care and you get hurt as a result, seek legal help. A medical malpractice lawyer serving Fredericksburg can determine if you have grounds for a personal injury lawsuit. 

The Pendleton Law Team has provided legal services and support to thousands of clients in personal injury cases across central Virginia. Let a personal injury lawyer in Fredericksburg assist you with your medical malpractice case. Contact us to get started. 

What Is Medical Malpractice?

This is a form of negligence involving a doctor or other medical practitioners. A malpractice claim is warranted if a medical professional ignores a standard of care and, in doing so, harms you.

Reasons why people file medical malpractice claims include:

  • Misdiagnosing or not diagnosing a medical condition or injury
  • Prescribing the wrong medication or dosage
  • Performing a surgery incorrectly
  • Failing to treat a patient after an illness or injury has been identified
  • Ignoring a patient’s health, well-being, and safety after administering treatment
  • Choosing not to provide an adequate standard of care before or during birth, causing a newborn to suffer facial paralysis, spinal cord damage, or other injuries

The Pendleton Law Team puts the Heavy Hitters® in your corner. We can explain the 4 Ds of medical negligence and how they relate to your case. Trust a medical malpractice attorney serving Fredericksburg from our team to evaluate your case and help you determine if now is the right time to sue a medical provider for damages. 

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When Should You File a Fredericksburg Medical Malpractice Claim?

Based on the Code of Virginia § 8.01-243, the statute of limitations for submitting a malpractice claim against a medical provider is two years. A medical malpractice lawyer serving Fredericksburg, VA understands the time frame in which you are allowed to sue is limited. They can submit your claim and build an argument designed to prove you deserve fair compensation. 

In addition to explaining how long you have to file a medical malpractice claim in Virginia, your attorney represents you throughout the legal process. For example, a liable party proposes a settlement before your trial date. Your lawyer notifies you about the offer and advises you on how to proceed, and you make the final decision on what to do with the proposal. 

Your attorney also provides details about how long a personal injury case takes to settle. They understand the process to get compensation from a liable medical provider can be long and arduous. No matter what happens during your litigation, your lawyer advocates for you and protects your legal rights and best interests. 

Let the Heavy Hitters® Take On Your Case 804-250-5050

Compensation You Can Request in a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

A medical malpractice attorney serving Fredericksburg, VA wants you to ask for economic and noneconomic damages. Your lawyer offers insights into how lawyers calculate personal injury settlements and what your case is worth.

They can help you recover compensation for many reasons, such as:

Medical Bills

You require surgery and other extensive medical care due to the harm you previously suffered. Share your medical bills with your lawyer. Next, your attorney can include these in your damages request. 

Loss of Income

The harm you incur makes it difficult to return to work. Your lawyer can use your pay stubs and other financial documents to assess your loss of income. They can request compensation for your current and future lost wages. 

Pain and Suffering

It is emotionally, psychologically, and physically draining to deal with your injuries. Your attorney is empathetic to you and the trauma you face. They work diligently to prepare an argument to show that you should be awarded pain and suffering damages. 

Burial and Funeral Expenses

You and your loved ones are devastated after your family member dies due to medical malpractice. With a wrongful death claim, you can obtain compensation for burial and funeral expenses and other losses relating to your loved one’s death. Your lawyer can explain how to prove a wrongful death and handle your legal matters during this challenging time in your life. 

What you secure in compensation depends on the strength of your argument and other factors. Your lawyer can use medical records, witness statements, and other evidence to bolster your case. If you have plenty of proof, a judge or jury may be inclined to provide you with the damages you are requesting. 

Central Virginia's Top Rated Personal
Injury Lawyers 804-250-5050

Our Medical Malpractice Lawyers Serving Fredericksburg Fight to Get You Maximum Compensation

Do not let a negligent medical provider off the hook for the harm they have caused. If you or a family member are the victim of medical malpractice, partner with a personal injury attorney serving Fredericksburg. From here, your lawyer can help you hold anyone who hurt you or your loved one liable for their actions. 

The Pendleton Law Team proudly serves the Fredericksburg community. Our personal injury lawyers will aggressively pursue compensation in your medical malpractice case. Schedule a free case consultation with us. 

The Pendleton Law Team Is Here For You 804-250-5050