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When someone you love passes away, it can be a dark time. Even though you’re grieving, that doesn’t mean the bills stop coming, making it harder for your emotional wounds to heal.

Our team at Christina Pendleton & Associates sympathizes with your pain and is here to help. Our wrongful death attorneys can help you know if your situation qualifies for a wrongful death case, and if it does, we can fight for your rights to compensation. 

What Are Some Common Wrongful Death Cases Your Firm Can Take On?

There are many types of wrongful death cases that we have handled over the years. Some of the most common wrongful death cases we’ve handled include: 

  • Intentional killing 
  • Medical malpractice 
  • Car accidents 
  • Premises liability accidents
  • Workplace accidents

If your loved one passed away in any of the accidents listed above, you and your family might qualify for a wrongful death case and compensation. One of our Chesapeake wrongful death attorneys can help determine if you qualify for a case. 

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How Long do You Have to File a Wrongful Death Claim for Your Loved One?

When you lose a loved one, you only have a limited amount of time to collect compensation. In Virginia, you will have two years from the date of your loved one’s death to file a wrongful death claim. To have the highest chance of recovering the maximum compensation for your loved one’s death, you should file your claim as soon as you are able to. 

If you wait too long to file your wrongful death claim, you could lose the opportunity to collect any compensation, and you won’t be able to file another claim because the statute of limitations has run out. Working with a wrongful death lawyer from our firm can prevent you from losing out on the opportunity to get compensation. 

Even though the statute of limitations says that you only have two years to file, the details of your loved one’s death may give you more or less time. A lawyer can tell you exactly how much time left you have to file based on the specific details of your loved one’s death. Then, as soon as you file your claim, you and a wrongful death attorney can start building a wrongful death case. 

Let the Heavy Hitters® Take On Your Case 804-250-5050

What Damages Are Recoverable in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

When you lose a loved one, you are left with grief, but you may also be left with unpaid medical bills that can make it difficult for you and your family. By working with one of our wrongful death lawyers,, you may be able to recover the following types of damages:

Economic Damages

This type of damage relates to losses you and your family have suffered as a result of your loved one’s death from a financial aspect. This means that these losses hold a dollar value and can be calculated. Some of the damages a wrongful death lawyer may be able to help you recover include: 

  • Unpaid medical costs 
  • Funeral and burial service costs 
  • Loss of inheritance
  • Loss of your loved one’s future earnings
  • Loss of benefits like pensions
  • Value of services your loved one supplied the household with

Various other damages may apply to your wrongful death situation, and a wrongful death attorney at our firm can help determine any additional economic damages you may qualify for. 

Non-Economic Damages

Another type of damage that you may be able to recover as a result of a loved one’s death is non-economic damages. Non-economic damages don’t have a dollar value amount and cannot be quantified. Non-monetary damages most often relate to the long-term effects you and your family may endure as a result of your loved one’s death. 

If you have any questions about non-economic damages, our lawyers can answer them. Some of the most common non-economic damages in wrongful death cases include: 

  • Your loved one’s mental anguish and pain and suffering
  • Survivors’ pain and suffering
  • Loss of care and protection your loved one would have provided
  • Loss of companionship
  • Loss of consortium

Punitive Damages

The last type of damage you may be able to recover after someone you love dies is punitive damages. This is a special type of damage that you can recover only if a wrongful death attorney can prove that the defendant deliberately harmed your loved one. 

In most cases, the fate of whether you receive punitive damages is up to a judge or jury to decide. If the judge or jury decides that you should receive punitive damages, the amount will be added to the damages that the defendant must pay you.  

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Contact Christina Pendleton & Associates to Speak to a Wrongful Death Lawyer

If you lost a loved one due to someone else’s negligence, we understand your pain. Our team of Chesapeake wrongful death attorneys can help you understand your options for compensation and confirm if you have a valid case. 

At Christina Pendleton & Associates, we’re dedicated to working with you to achieve the best outcome for you. If you’d like a free case consultation, call us or fill out the contact form on our website.

The Pendleton Law Team Is Here For You 804-250-5050