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4 Reasons To Hire a Virginia Traffic Lawyer

Traffic violations are some of the most common offenses in Virginia and across the rest of the United States. It’s difficult to find someone who hasn’t been pulled over for one type of traffic violation or another. Just because they’re common, however, doesn’t mean traffic violations are not a big deal. In fact, if you are charged, numerous offenses are accompanied by hefty fines, suspension of your driver’s license, and even possible jail time.

If you recently received a traffic ticket, hiring a Virginia traffic attorney is your best chance at eliminating or reducing the charges you face. Here’s why.

They are Knowledgeable About Effective Defense Strategies

Many individuals who receive traffic tickets do so even though they’re not guilty of the offense they were charged with. If you’ve been charged with a traffic offense, but know you didn’t commit it, a knowledgeable attorney can assist you. By gathering evidence around your case, they’ll be able to develop the appropriate defense. Experienced traffic lawyers know the most successful defense strategies for everything from speeding tickets to DUI accidents. A few of the most popular include:

  • Lack of proof
  • Equipment malfunction
  • Police errors

Traffic lawyers can help you avoid points against your license, which happens when you pay a traffic ticket. Paying a fine for any traffic offense is an admission of guilt. With an attorney defending you, it might be possible to have your charges dropped or reduced to a lesser charge.

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Traffic Lawyers Can Save You Money

The most common reason people don’t choose to hire a traffic attorney is that they think working with an attorney will be too expensive. Ultimately, you must decide whether to hire an attorney or pay a traffic fine. Knowing that paying the fine is an admission of guilt, which will incur points against your license, you can explore your options for working with a traffic attorney instead. 

In the state of Virginia, as you gather points against your license for traffic penalties, the more costly the fines will become if you’re charged. Therefore, the longer you wait to hire a traffic attorney, the more likely you are to end up paying hefty fines to the state and or to get your license reinstated. By choosing to hire a knowledgeable traffic attorney early on in your case, you can work to reduce your charges and penalties to save money on fines in the long-run.

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Traffic Attorneys Work Hard to Gather Evidence

Many people who face traffic violations are certain they didn’t commit the offense they’re being charged with. If that’s the case for you, gathering evidence to prove your case is your best chance at eliminating the charges against you. Unfortunately, for the average civilian, gathering evidence can be extremely time consuming and difficult as you lack access to many of the appropriate channels. A knowledgeable attorney can access an abundance of evidence surrounding traffic cases, such as red light footage and eye-witness reports, that can help prove your innocence.

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They Can Fight for Alternative Penalties

In an ideal world, a traffic attorney would eliminate or significantly reduce the traffic charges and penalties you face. Unfortunately, that’s not always a viable option. However, if you’re found guilty of the charges against you, a traffic attorney can build a defense that works to earn you alternative discipline. This type of penalty negotiation is nearly impossible to do on your own. For example, if you’re given a costly fine for speeding that you cannot afford, a traffic attorney can build a case for you to be given community service instead. 

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Trustworthy & Aggressive Traffic Attorneys Near You

If you’re facing a traffic ticket and are tired of it taking a toll on your life, there’s no better time than now to hire a trustworthy and aggressive Virginia traffic attorney. At Pendleton Law Firm, we specialize in traffic defense and will go to great lengths to develop a defense to get the ruling you deserve. With more than 25 years of experience, we know all of the best strategies and have proven ourselves time and again for our clients.

Call our Criminal Traffic Hotline at 804-554-4444 or use our online contact form to schedule your free consultation right now! We’re ready to help you today!

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