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Car Accidents

Why Is My Car Accident Settlement Taking So Long?

Many drivers in Virginia wonder why their car accident settlement is taking so long after a collision. Numerous factors can increase the time it takes to resolve a claim, including slow response times from the insurance company and complicated issues with liability.  A Richmond car accident lawyer from the Pendleton Law Team can keep your…

Can You Ride in the Back of a Truck in Virginia?

Yes, you can ride in the bed of a pickup truck in Virginia, but only if you are at least 16 years old. There are a few exceptions to this law you should be aware of. If you’ve had an incident involving a pickup truck with passengers in the bed of the truck, it’s crucial…

Should I Call My Insurance if it Wasn’t My Fault?

In the aftermath of a car wreck that wasn’t your fault, navigating the maze of insurance procedures and determining the best course of action can be daunting. You may find yourself questioning whether it’s necessary to contact your insurance company and what implications it may have on your claim.  To shed light on this matter…

The Rule of Seconds: How to Calculate Safe Following Distances

The typical response time for braking for a hazard is about three-quarters of a second. While individuals may show variations in their reaction times, maintaining a few seconds’ worth of safe following distance between your car and others is ideal. After all, car accident lawyers and insurance adjusters in Virginia both use the “rule of…

Where Do Broadside Collisions Most Commonly Occur in Virginia?

Broadside collisions are some of the most dangerous types of car accidents. The point of impact being at a perpendicular angle, combined with speed, creates a highly dangerous outcome. In Virginia, our Richmond car accident lawyers at the Pendleton Law Team have experience representing these types of collisions and know firsthand the serious injury or…

Passing on the Right: Is it Illegal in Virginia?

If you’ve ever been stuck behind a slower driver on I-81, you’ve probably taken the chance to swing over and speed past them on the right. But had you ever questioned if it was legal? When it comes to passing on the multi-lane highways winding through Virginia’s landscapes, the law has some nuances.  Passing on…

Do You Have to Have Car Insurance?

Whether you’re a long-time driver or just starting, having car insurance is an important part of owning a vehicle. While it’s essential for most drivers, many wonder “Do you have to have car insurance”? Explore if coverage is required with the top-rated Richmond car accident lawyers and discover what your options are. Car insurance may…

Is My Car Accident Settlement Taxable?

If you’ve been involved in a car accident and received a settlement, you may wonder if it is taxable. This is a question many people have, so it’s important to understand the rules of car accident settlement taxability.  We’ll provide an overview of the tax implications of car accident settlements, as well as any other…

What’s the Average Settlement for a Car Accident?

If you’ve been in a car accident, you may be wondering, “What’s the average settlement for a car accident?”. The truth is that the average car accident settlement can vary greatly depending on many different factors, including the severity of the accident and the amount of insurance coverage involved.  We’ll explore the truth about average…

Signs of Mental Trauma After an Accident

Post-traumatic stress disorder in auto accident survivors is becoming increasingly prevalent in the U.S. If you’ve been injured in a car wreck, you’ll want to keep an eye out for signs of PTSD and mental trauma after an accident. Anxious feelings, nightmares, and sleep issues are just a few of the symptoms you might experience…

What Are the Signs of PTSD After a Car Accident?

If you’ve been in a car accident, you might be experiencing feelings of shock, anxiety, anger and even disbelief about what happened. It’s normal to feel overloaded with emotion in the wake of a serious accident, but if negative feelings persist and intensify over time, you might be dealing with a deeper psychological issue. Knowing…

Can I Sue for Emotional Distress After a Car Accident?

Physical injuries from a car accident may heal over time, but the emotional scars can follow you around for weeks, months, and even years. In some cases, the mental impact of a car accident can be more damaging than any bruise, scrape, or broken bone. If you’re experiencing anxiety or depression in the wake of…