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Norfolk Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

A quick visit to Virginia’s DMV website will show you just how much of an issue pedestrian accidents have become in recent years. While following pedestrian safety tips can drastically reduce your chances of getting hit, there are many situations where cautionary measures fail. If you’ve been hit by a car while crossing the street…

Norfolk Medical Malpractice Lawyer

When we go to the hospital for an operation, we expect to leave feeling better than when we arrived, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, healthcare professionals make careless mistakes that leave us with severe injuries, permanent disabilities, and even life-threatening conditions. When this happens, we have the right to seek compensation for our…

Norfolk Elmiron Lawsuit Lawyer

Drug manufacturers have a moral and legal obligation to inform consumers about any side effects their medication may cause. Janssen Pharmaceuticals failed to live up to that obligation in 1996, when its drug Elmiron came onto the market. Prescribed to treat pain from a bladder disorder known as interstitial cystitis, Elmiron can also cause major…

Norfolk Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

There’s no experience like riding a motorcycle along the Norfolk coast. You’re rarely alone on the road, though. If you’re not careful, there’s a chance that you may find yourself involved in a motorcycle accident. While other drivers owe motorcyclists a duty of care, they can neglect or deliberately violate that duty. As a result,…

Norfolk Car Accident Lawyer

Car accidents are often over as quickly as they begin, but their fallout can impact your life for years. These accidents can cause lifelong injuries and even disrupt your ability to go to and from work on a daily basis. As a result, you and your family may find yourselves forced to contend with both…

Norfolk Truck Accident Lawyer

After a truck accident, victims want to know who is liable in a truck wreck, if there is a deadline to file a claim, an estimate of how much a settlement will be, and how long a personal injury claim may take. Fortunately, a Norfolk truck accident attorney can be a comprehensive resource to learn…

Norfolk Personal Injury Lawyer

A personal injury case is a specific kind of insurance claim or legal action brought by a person who has been harmed by the carelessness or other wrongdoing of another. Any situation in which another’s negligence resulted in your injuries, damages, or other losses can give rise to a personal injury case. Whatever the situation,…