Mass Torts Lawyer

What are Mass Torts cases?

Mass torts is a form of law where numerous plaintiffs, sometimes hundreds of thousands, pursue claims against one defendant, or a small group of defendants, for similar injuries caused by the same product, toxin, or other form of harmful action. Mass torts involves building each case individually, despite being a part of a large litigation, and our mass torts team specializes in  representing clients from across the nation.

Our goal is to maintain the personalized care of your neighborhood firm, regardless of where you are located, and to ensure that you know you are more than a number in the sea of plaintiffs. Our heavy hitters are here to walk alongside you through what can feel like a daunting process and are committed to securing just and fair compensation.

We are currently pursuing the following case types. If you or a loved one have suffered injuries that you believe correlate with these litigations, please contact us for a free intake today.

Camp Lejeune

Studies have shown that the presence of over 70 hazardous chemicals, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), contaminated two water-supply systems on and surrounding Camp Lejeune for decades, exposing tens of thousands to dangerous toxins. These chemicals have been linked to an array of medical conditions, including various cancers, birth defects, and neurobehavioral effects. These diagnoses are presumptive. We encourage you to contact us regardless of the injury so we may do a specific assessment of your situation. The exposure period pertains to those who were present on Camp Lejeune or its surrounding, satellite bases for at least 30 days between August 1, 1953 – December 31, 1987. Eligible members may be veterans, veterans’ families (including children whose mothers were exposed while the child was in-utero), contractors, and civilian staff.

Burn Pits

Service members who were exposed to the fumes of open burn pits and suffered from various injuries may be eligible for compensation due to the toxins that were inhaled during this exposure. Various factors contribute to the likelihood of eligibility, such as the kinds of waste being burned and how often the service member was exposed.

Eligible service members include members who served in the following operations / campaigns from the beginning of August 2 nd . 1990 to present: Desert Shield and Desert Storm (ODS/S), Iraqi Freedom (OIF) Enduring Freedom (OEF), and New Dawn (OND). Service members who served in the following locations from Sept. 19, 2001, to present may also be eligible: Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Qatar, United Arab Emirates, Oman, Djibouti, along the Red Sea, Persian Gulf, Gulf of Oman, Arabian Sea, or the Gulf of Aden.

Qualifying injuries include various cancers; various squamous cell carcinomas and adenocarcinomas; chronic lung issues, such as bronchitis, sinusitis, asthma, and others; as well as emphysema and granulomatous disease. These diagnoses are presumptive. We encourage you to contact us regardless of the injury so we may do a specific assessment of your situation.


Studies have shown that chemicals in Paraquat, an herbicide used as a weed killer, contribute to the development of Parkinson’s Disease. Various contributing factors, such as the length of time of exposure and form of application, affect the viability of each claim. Specific assessments are required to determine a case’s eligibility for potential compensation. If you or a loved one were exposed to Paraquat, and then diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, please call us today for an individualized assessment.


Research has exposed that Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder contained talc, which is linked to certain forms of cancer. Those who have been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and applied Johnson & Johnson’s baby powder to their genital area may be eligible for compensation.


Individuals who were treated for interstitial cystitis (IC), or other medical issues, with the Elmiron pharmaceutical product for 1+ years and were later diagnosed with degenerative eye conditions may be eligible for compensation. Individuals who used Elmiron for 4+ years and suffer from eye vision problems may also be eligible. Please contact us today so we may determine how best we can assist you.

Contact Information

Please complete the following form, or call 888-99-TORTS, to connect directly with our mass torts department, and one of our team members will assist you in completing the intake process. Thank you!

Mass Torts Inquiry for Additional Information